COVID has put paid to my plans for getting my health sorted out, but not shelved them fully. I am still planning on getting things sorted and looked at at some point. Like every one else at the moment things are up in the air and no fixed time frame, as when you think things can progress another Covid strain comes around.
I have decided to do something to get my health problems sorted out after watching something on the BBC and sending a twitter message to one Jan Leeming.
I've been watching 'The Real Marigold Hotel' on BBC iPlayer, where 8 well known seniors go to India to see if they could retire out there, or at the very least, see if they can get their health issues sorted out.
It got me thinking if I should look in to treatment elsewhere in the world to get my problems sorted out, as it seems I have fallen down in to the cracks of the NHS system as things are not bad enough to go in and fix just yet, and one injection I am on has stopped Ankylosing Spondylitis it in its tracks but its not making it get better, yet its not bad enough to go in and fix.
My neck has problems as well that needs looking at, sporadic trapped nerve / spinal cord apparently. I also have issues with both my knees and my left hip and leg in between. I almost forgot my Carpal Tunnel.
Going to India is the option, I can't keep living between the gaps of a system, being a drain on the NHS for my medication month after month, year after year, it is no way to live.
If I went private in the UK it would cost many thousands more than out in India. I really want to make this happen and I need help. I have been trying to do research and have been in touch with a few private hospitals around the Mumbai and Jaipur area for information.
I will keep this webpage updated while I am in the UK, and then when I do get out to India, I will update my blog site instead so you can keep in touch. 2021 / 2022 could turn in to an interesting year. Where the UK system fails, lets see if India can come to my aid. Just need to wait for my Covid vaccine.
I have posted some PDF files from two medical establishments in India on the site that you can look at to see where I got the amount I am asking for donations for. I may need more, so I do hope you can help.
UPDATE: 02/02/21 I fired off a number of emails requesting information, today I have received one reply, its just an email that says they will be in touch, but thinking positive, and looking on the bright side. I will add links to the hospitals that reply in the side line. Woke up this morning sick with pain again, this is getting to be too much.
SECOND UPDATE: 02/02/21 I had a reply from the hospital I mentioned earlier (link is in the side bar section), it had a rather pricy quote, but it includes everything from exploration to operation, meals to airport transfer. Please donate to my GoFundMe fundraising page and help me get the treatment I need to get life back. I'm fed up of being a drain on the NHS and the DWP.
UPDATE: 03/02/21 Second hospital has been in touch today, I think I feel more comfortable with this one (Nanavati) because first they want to evaluate and proceed from there. They may decide not to, but a second opinion is always a good thing regardless.
UPDATE 07/02/21 Some people have been asking if I have had second opinions on my neck and back, so to put these peoples minds at rest.....
I have asked the rheumatology department to look again at the decision not to operate, and get the same "no to op" message. The teams out in India seem to feel that it should and can be operated on. In my mind it just do not compute, that letting something get worse before doing an op is daft, why not go in sooner rather than later and avoid it getting worse? I just do not think I can keep up with the pain.
page updated: 30/04/2022
My Health - The Side Line
My Life with Ankylosing Spondylitis
I have been diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis, it's a horrible thing to suffer with, it can really knock me down.
I've been trying to raise awareness on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Not many people seem to know about it, as it is not really visible.
I can tell you that suffering with Ankylosing Spondylitis has an impact on my mental health.
I suffer with anxiety and depression, and keep beating myself up about my physical limits.
For more on my health, check out the posts on
Watch my special video above
Bellow are direct links to various blogs
Fibro - Continuing Struggles - March 2024
Life's What You Make It After Covid